Peer-reviewed Journals
Athayde, S., Utsunomiya, R., Victoria-Lacy, L., Beveridge, C., Jenkins, C.N., Laufer, J., Heilpern, S., Olivas, P., & Anderson, E.P. (2024). Interdependencies between Indigenous peoples, local communities and freshwater systems in a changing Amazon. Conservation Biology. Manuscript under review.
Couto, T.B.A., Jenkins, C., Beveridge, C., Heilpern, S., Herrera-R, G.A, Piland, N., Leal, C.G., Zuanon, J., Doria, C. R. C., Montoya, M., Varese, M., Correa, S.B.C., Goulding, M., & Anderson, E.P. (2024). Translating science into action to conserve Amazonian freshwaters. Conservation Science and Practice. Manuscript under review.
Anderson, E.P., Encalada, A.C., Couto, T.B.A., Beveridge, C., Herrera-R., G.A., Heilpern, S.A., Almedia, R.M., Cañas-Alva, C., Correa, S.B., de Souza, L.S., Duponchelle, F., Garcia-Davila, C., Goulding, M., López-Casas, S., Maldonado-Ocampo, J.A., Miranda, G., Montoya, M., Piland, N.C., Victoria-Lacy, L., Varese, M., & Jenkins, C.N. (2024). Conserving freshwater connectivity of the Western Amazon. Conservation Letters. Manuscript under review.
Jenkins, C.N., Athayde, S., Beveridge, C., Correa, S.B., Espinoza, J., Heilpern, S.A., Herrera-R., G.A., Victoria-Lacy, L., Olivas, P., Olivera, A., Piland, N.C., Utsunomiya, R., & Anderson, E.P. (2024) Global Importance of Amazonian Freshwaters. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. Manuscript under review.
Utsunomiya, R., Beveridge, C., Lobo, G., Assahira, C., Moretto, E.M., & Athayde, S. (2024). Dewatering the Xingu River: hydrological alterations and biocultural connections among the Arara Indigenous People in the Volta Grande region, Brazilian Amazon. Regional Environmental Change.
Beveridge, C.F., Espinoza, J.C., Athayde, S., Correa, S.B., Couto, T.B.A., Heilpern, S.A., Jenkins, C.N., Piland, N.C., Utsunomiya, R., Wongchuig, S., & Anderson, E.P. (2024). The Andes–Amazon–Atlantic pathway: A foundational hydroclimate system for social–ecological system sustainability. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
The Tropical Rivers Lab [including Beveridge, C.]. 2021. Reflections on Negotiating the Science-Society Relationship Together. Open Rivers: Rethinking Water, Place & Community, no. 19.
Beveridge, C., Hossain, F., Biswas, R.K., Haque, AM A., Ahmad, S. K., Biswas, N., Hossain, M. A., & Bhuyan, M. A. (2020). Stakeholder-driven development of a cloud-based, satellite remote sensing tool to monitor suspended sediment concentrations in major Bangladesh rivers. Environmental Modelling and Software. (Free, draft version is here)
Beveridge, C., Bonnema, M., & Hossain, F. (2020). Impacts of dam development and landscape changes on suspended sediment concentrations in the Mekong River Basin’s ‘3S’ tributaries: a satellite remote sensing perspective. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering. (Free, draft version is here)
Beveridge, C., Istanbulluoglu, E., Bandaragoda, C., & Pfeiffer, A. (2020). A channel network model for sediment dynamics over watershed management time scales. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems.
Daly, K., Ahmad, S., Bonnema, M., Beveridge, C., Hossain, F., Nijssen, B., & Holtgrieve, G. (2020). Recent Warming of the Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia: Implications for one of the World’s Most Productive Inland Fisheries. Lakes & Reservoirs: Science, Policy and Management for Sustainable Use.
Bandaragoda, C., Beaulieu, J., Cristea, N., & Beveridge, C. (2020). Elevation distributed micro-climatology data in a coastal glaciated watershed. Data in Brief.
Phuong, J., Bandaragoda, C., Istanbulluoglu, E., Beveridge, C., Strauch, R., Setiawan, L., & Mooney, S. D. (2019). Automated retrieval, preprocessing, and visualization of gridded hydrometeorology data products for spatial-temporal exploratory analysis and intercomparison. Environmental Modelling and Software, 116(January), 119–130.
Book Chapters
Piland, N.C., Beveridge, C.F., Campos-Silva, J.V., Cañas, C., Correa, S.B., Couto, T.B.A., Encalada, A., Escobar-Camacho, D., López-Casas, S., Webb, B. & Anderson, E.P. (2024). Rivers from the Western Amazon. In M.A.S. Graca, M. Callisto, F. Teixeira de Mello & D. Rodriguez Olarte (Eds.), Rivers of South America. Elsevier.
White Papers and Reports
Anderson, E.P., Athayde, S., Beveridge, C.F., Jenkins, C. N., Angarita, H., Buytaert, W., Correa, S.B., Correa, S.W., Couto, T.B.A, Daniele, D., Emer, L., Espinoza, J. C., Fernandes, S., Goulding, M., Heilpern, S., Lacy, L., Lozano, J.S., Montoya, M., Romero, T., Tovar, C., & Utsunomiya, R. (2022). An Assessment of Needs and Opportunities for Amazon Freshwater Conservation. Report prepared for the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, Palo Alto, California, USA.
Anderson, E.P., Athayde, S., Beveridge, C.F., Espinoza, J. C., Heilpern, S., Jenkins, C. N. Oliveira, A., Piland, N., & Utsunomiya, R. (2021). The Global Importance of Amazon Freshwaters. Report prepared for the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, Palo Alto, California, USA.
Anderson, E.P., Correa, S.B., Goulding, M. Couto, T.B.A., [et al, including Beveridge, C.F.] (2021). Freshwater Conservation Targets for the Amazon Basin. Report prepared for the Gordon & Betty Moore Foundation and Wildlife Conservation Society, Palo Alto, California, USA and Lima, Peru.
Padowski, J.C., Adam, J.C., Hampton, S.E. [et al., including Beveridge, C.F.] (2015). Addressing the Food-Energy-Water System Trilemma: Balancing Reliance on Technological and Institutional Solutions [White Paper]. Submitted to the NSF in partial satisfaction of an NSF workshop grant focusing on the Food-Energy-Water Nexus. Available at
Bandaragoda, C., Istanbulluoglu, E., Lee, S., Hamlet, A., Beveridge, C., Lennon, J., Frans, C., Raymond, C., & Wasserman, L. (2018). Hydrology, Stream Temperature, and Sediment Impacts of Climate Change in the Sauk River Basin. Report prepared for Sauk-Suiattle Indian Tribe, Skagit Climate Change Consortium, Mt. Vernon, WA and Seattle City Light, Seattle, WA. HydroShare. Available at
Hossain, F., Beveridge, C., Iversen, C.M., Silveyra, P., Nouri, A., Sheets, A., & Douraghy, A. (2019, February). New perspectives on science communication [Op-ed]. Hippo Reads. Available at
Doctoral Dissertation
Beveridge, C. (2020). Application-oriented approaches to modeling and satellite-based monitoring of watershed sediment dynamics. Doctoral Dissertation. University of Washington ResearchWorks Archive.
(presented by Claire Beveridge unless otherwise indicated)
Academic Conferences
Anderson, E.P. (co-presenter), Athayde, S.A. (co-presenter), Jenkins, C. N., Olivas, P., & Beveridge, C. (2023, July). Advancing the conservation of biocultural riverscapes in the Western Amazon. Oral presentation at the Biennial Conference of the Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America (SALSA), Leticia, Peru.
Beveridge, C., Athayde, S.A., Jenkins, C. N. J., Espinoza, J. C., Heilpern, S., Utsunomiya, R., Piland, N., & Anderson, E.P. (2022, July). The Andes-Amazon-Atlantic freshwater corridor: a globally-important pathway for tropical conservation. Oral presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation (ATBC), Cartagena, Colombia.
Anderson, E.P. (presenter), Beveridge, C., Correa, S.B., Couto, T.B.A., & Goulding, M. (2022, July). Establishing conservation targets for Amazon freshwater ecosystems at basin scale. Oral presentation at the Annual Meeting of the ATBC, Cartagena, Colombia.
Lacy, L. (presenter), Couto, T.B.A., Athayde, S.A., Utsunomiya, R., Beveridge, C., & Anderson, E.P. (2022, July). Towards a relational understanding of Amazonian fish conservation. Oral presentation at the Annual Meeting of the ATBC, Cartagena, Colombia.
Utsunomiya, R. (presenter), Assahira, C., Beveridge, C., Lobo., S.L., Moretto, E.M., & Athayde, S.A.,. (2022, July). “Fruits falling on the ground”: Flooded forest, Arara artisanal fishing, and Belo Monte Dam’s hydrological alterations in the Brazilian Amazon. Oral presentation at the Annual Meeting of the ATBC, Cartagena, Colombia.
Beveridge, C., Couto, T.B.A., Siddiqui, S.F., Zapata-Rios, X., Anderson, E.P., & Encalada, A.C. (2021, May). A comprehensive Andes-to-Amazon hydrologic budget to support freshwater conservation planning and management. Oral presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Freshwater Scientists (SFS), Online.
Emer, L. E. (presenter), Beveridge, C., & Anderson, E.P. (2021, May). Integrated spatial analysis of oil spills, indigenous territories, protected areas, and fish diversity of the Peruvian Amazon. Poster presentation at the Annual Meeting of SFS, Online.
Couto, T.B.A. (presenter), Beveridge, C., Herrera-R, G.A., Heilpurn, S., Anderson, E.P., & Encalada, A.C. (2021, May). Conservation targets for maintaining longitudinal river connectivity from the Andes to the Amazon. Oral presentation at the Annual Meeting of SFS, Online.
Beveridge, C., Bonnema, M. (presenter), & Hossain, F. (2019, December). Impacts of dam development and landscape changes on suspended sediment concentrations in the Mekong River Basin’s ‘3S’ tributaries: a satellite remote sensing perspective. Oral presentation at the Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Geophysical Union (AGU), San Francisco, CA.
Phuong, J. (presenter), Bandaragoda, C., Setiawan, L., Beveridge, C., Strauch, R., Siddhartha, S.S., Mooney, S. D., & Istanbulluoglu, E. (2018, December). Observatory for Gridded Hydrometeorology (OGH): a python toolkit to automate access and analysis with gridded data products. Poster presentation at the Annual Scientific Meeting of AGU, Washington, D.C.
Beveridge, C., Istanbulluoglu, E. (presenter), Bandaragoda, C., & Pfeiffer, A. (2018, December). A channel network model for sediment dynamics and yield over river engineering time-scales. Poster presentation at the Annual Scientific Meeting of AGU, Washington, D.C.
Beveridge, C., Bandaragoda, C., & Istanbulluoglu, E. (2018, June). Reconstructing Sediment Supply and Transport Behind the Elwha River Dams Using a Watershed Modeling Approach. Poster presentation at the Biennial Meeting of the Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science (CUAHSI), Shepherdstown, WV.
Beveridge, C., Bandaragoda, C., & Istanbulluoglu, E. (2017, December). Reconstructing Sediment Supply, Transport, and Deposition Behind the Elwha River Dams. Poster presentation at the Annual Scientific Meeting of AGU, New Orleans, LA.
Beveridge, C., Bandaragoda, C., & Istanbulluoglu, E. (2017, November). Reconstructing Sediment Supply and Transport Behind the Elwha River Dams Using a Watershed Modeling Approach. Poster presentation at the Annual Graduate Climate Conference, Woods Hole, MA.
Beveridge, C., Bandaragoda, C., & Istanbulluoglu, E. (2017, October). Reconstructing Sediment Supply, Transport, and Deposition Behind the Elwha River Dams. Poster presentation at the Annual Scientific Meeting of the Geological Society of America, Seattle, WA.
Beveridge, C., Bandaragoda, C., Curran, C., & Istanbulluoglu, E. (2017, May). Reconstructing Sediment Supply and Transport Behind the Elwha River Dams Using a Watershed Modeling Approach. Oral presentation at the Annual Scientific Meeting of the Canadian Geophysical Union, Vancouver, Canada.
Beveridge, C., Bandaragoda, C., Curran, C., & Istanbulluoglu, E. (2016, December). Reconstructing Sediment Supply and Transport Behind the Elwha River Dams. Oral presentation at the Annual Scientific Meeting of AGU, San Francisco, CA.
Industry Conferences
Miller, J., Beveridge, C., Haynes, M., Johnson, H., & Reilly, B. (2017, June). Leading a Diversified Workforce. Invited panel presentation at HydroVision International, Denver, CO.
Beveridge, C., Bandaragoda, C., Curran, C., & Istanbulluoglu, E. (2017, June). Reconstructing Sediment Supply and Transport Behind the Elwha River Dams Using a Watershed Modeling Approach. Oral and poster presentation at HydroVision International, Denver, CO.
Beveridge, C. (2019, April 11). From the Elwha to the Mekong: Watershed-scale sediment dynamics under the impacts of hydropower dams and environmental change [Webinar]. Invited presentation for CUAHSI-AGU 2019 Spring Cyberseminar Series.