
2015-2020: Ph.D., Civil and Environmental Engineering (Hydrology and Hydrodynamics), University of Washington (UW), Seattle, WA

2008-2012: B.S., Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California Berkeley (UCB), Berkeley, CA

Professional Licensing

2015-present: Registered Professional Civil Engineer, CA

Research & Professional Experience

Apr 2024- Present: Academic Coordinator II, Small Farms Water Conservation, University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources (UC ANR), Fresno, California

Nov 2021 - Present: Associate Editor, Community Science, American Geophysical Union (AGU)

Mar 2023-Dec 2023: Fellow, International Agriculture Education Fellowship Program (IAEFP), Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Arua, Uganda

Sept 2020-Feb 2023: Postdoctoral Associate, Tropical Rivers Lab, Dept. of Earth and Environment, Florida International University, Miami, FL

2015-2020: Graduate Student Researcher, SASWE Research Group, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Hydrology and Hydrodynamics, UW, Seattle, WA

2012-2015: Environmental engineering consultant, CH2M (now Jacobs), Oakland, CA

2011: Environmental engineering summer intern, CH2M (now Jacobs), Oakland, CA

2010: Civil engineering summer intern, California Department of Transportation, Stockton, CA and Fresno, CA

Teaching & Mentoring Experience

Mar 2023-Dec 2023: Fellow, International Agriculture Education Fellowship Program (IAEFP), Catholic Relief Services, Arua, Uganda

2020-2023: Lab Student Mentor, FIU, Miami, FL: Tropical Rivers Lab, Prof. Elizabeth Anderson

2020: Computing Helper, UW, Seattle, WA: NASA SWOT Early Adopter Virtual Hackathon, Prof. Faisal Hossain

2018-2020: Google Earth Engine Instructor, UW, Seattle, WA: WaterHackWeek and GeoHackWeek, eScience Institute 

2019-2020: Guest Lecture, UW, Bothell and Seattle, WA: Water, Drought, and the American West Course, Prof. Avery Cook Shinneman; Water Management Course, Prof. Faisal Hossain

2017: Co-Instructor, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA: Landlab Earth Surface Modeling Toolkit, Prof. Erkan Istanbulluoglu

2017: Teaching Assistant, UW, Olympic Peninsula, WA: Sustainable Water in a Wet Region Course, Prof. Heidi Gough

2013-2015: Professional Mentor, CH2M (now Jacobs), Oakland, CA